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Finde mit Marina deine nächste Challenge

Find your next challenge with Marina

Introducing Marina Andresen—our first Peloton Tread instructor for Germany.

By PelotonUpdated 29 September 2021


Find your next challenge with Marina

Introducing Marina Andresen—our first Peloton Tread instructor for Germany.

Our German instructor team is getting bigger! We’re excited to introduce you to our new Tread instructor for Germany: Marina Andresen. Marina got into running step by step, and has since competed in over 80 races in 20 countries—from 5Ks to marathons and ultramarathons.

“With the right mindset, you can achieve just about anything.”

img-3-Finde mit Marina deine nächste Challenge

Marina is incredibly self-motivated and ambitious—whatever she sets her mind to, she accomplishes. As your Peloton instructor, she will show you that everyone can enjoy running and perform at their best. Her classes will make you feel comfortable and help you find confidence in yourselves. And reach all your goals.

“When you’re running, you push yourself with each step and leave your personal comfort zone behind you.”

Don't miss Marina’s Peloton premiere run on 30 September at 6:00 PM CET, and get to know our new German Tread instructor.

img-4-Finde mit Marina deine nächste Challenge
